Guide for proper splicing of fiber optic fibers
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Guide for fiber optic splicing

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How to perfect the splicing process - fusion splicing in 10 steps
Our product expert for fiber optic technology explains the splicing process in 10 steps, points out what to watch out for, and recommends appropriate tools.
Fusion splicing in 10 steps
Our product expert for fiber optic technology explains the splicing process in 10 steps, points out what to watch out for, and recommends appropriate tools.

Splicing guide video

What you will learn from this guide

✓ Proper preparation of the splicing process
✓ Error prevention: Cleaning of fibers
✓ Splicing process explained in form of simple instructions
✓ Proper post-processing instructions: Proper handling of fiber optic fibers
✓ And not to forget: Clearly laid out list of equipment and material
Splicing tutorial at a glance
Thoroughly clean the splicer and fiber holder.
Step 2: Selecting the fiber holder
Select the fiber holder set up for the upcoming fiber type of the fiber optic cable. The most common fiber holders include 250-µ- and 900-µ fibers.
Step 3: Stripping and cleaning the test fiber
Open the loose tube of the installation cable using a loose tube tool. Then strip off the coating using stripping pliers. Finally, carefully clean the fiber.
Step 4: Calibration
Devices calibrate automatically, all you have to do is select the appropriate splice program.
Step 5: Stripping and cleaning the fiber to be spliced
For the splicing process, now strip the fiber to be spliced using the proper tool. Then clean it thoroughly.
Step 6: Cleaving process
The fiber is scored using a cleaver and broken at a 90° angle. Thoroughly clean the cleaver before use.
From the centre, insert the glass fiber into the splicer. Now use the mechanical precision adjustment device to join the two fiber ends with pinpoint accuracy. Then select the proper fiber type in the menu and start the splicing process at the touch of the button. Within just a few seconds, the integrated electrodes generate an arc that thermally welds the light-conducting cores of the glass fibers together.
Step 8: Was the process carried out successfully?
Test the quality of the splice connection by means of an insertion loss meter (peak programme meter) or an OTDR meter.
Step 9: Applying the splice protection
Apply the crimp splice protection to protect the fiber. In doing so, a crimping press must be used. Insert the spliced fiber optic cable, keep it straight and tensioned and apply the press.
Step 10: Inserting the spliced fibers into the splice cassette
Use a splice cassette to accommodate the excess fiber length. For proper positioning, distances with large bending radii are specified inside the cassette. At last, place the splice protection into the splice protection bracket.
Did you know? How to splice
Advantage: It is a particularly quick and efficient method that allows to achieve excellent attenuation and reflectivity values. As a result, the quality of the transmission path is implemented in the best way possible.
The splicing process allows to restore a clean connection in case cables are accidentally cut.
Feel free to contact us if you need more information regarding the splicing technology
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